Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Wednesday, 24 April 2013


So, i was reading some X-Men comics (#40 & #41), and the Mutants were referred to as 'Homo Superior' as the next evolution of Homo Sapiens and it made me think about certain theories of genocide. Genocide is a horrible act of mass murder an obviously i am not promoting it in any way, but thinking about it... Neutering the human race, preventing life and decreasing life over the world could be a good thing, its artificially preventing Death By Over-Population for us. Without wars and mass murder which clearly can be seen as wrong, we would be in a tighter squeeze for space in the world more than today.  At the same time part of me wishes that the X-Gene were real, or that we all undergo another evolution that renders us 'Homo Superiors'. What do you think?
Comment your opinion :)

RiDiCulously Marvel-lous

So as well as being a relatively new year, there is a lot of up-coming treats in the entertainment field especially with superheroes. There's new Wolverine, new X-Men (DOFP), new Captain America, new Thor, new Avengers, new Iron Man etc.


That's all for tonight, leave a comment or not, i can't really make you or anything. I'm off now so ill post another time, over and out-
Bored and Lingering Online Guide


I think that regrets are one of the worst feelings, its the inevitability and helplessness that renders you incapable and wishing you could change the past that really gets me. It's wanting to beat yourself up but knowing it wont change anything, trying and failing to forget the 'would ofs, could ofs and should ofs'.


I find some gold mines on Tumblr, don't underestimate it because it's actually a good site- Malao


The most annoying thing about those who recognize unoriginality is that some of these people always feel the the need to notify people of how original they are being by addressing the fact that they arent being unoriginal. But since a lot of people do this they are just being unoriginal. I.e Posts photo on facebook, caption- * i should insert a pretentious meaningful song lyric to go with this picture but i won't because by identifying that unoriginality i am even more so original *

Let's Rebel !

So I was in a discussion with a friend the other day and the topic was education. My view of schooling is that it is not necessary, without sounding pretentious and falsely deep i honestly question the route of life that is implied that we all take. Why must we go to school, to go to college, to go to university, to go to work, to raise a family, to accumulate money to retire with, to then die. Why is education the only route? and why must it be the only fuel for life, can we not find conclusion in life from writing or creation or publishing a book or writing a play or a song, or learning an instrument. Why can't self-fulfilment come from the things not on a GCSE syllabus? I would rather die having composed a piece of music (for example) with my passion for music instead of being stuck in a dead-end job to pay off a student loan. Of course this sounds like passive hedonism, to do what we like because it feels good instead of 'working hard' but that isn't the point. I am not implying that one should 'drop out' of whatever they are doing, but maybe think about the system you are in and whether or not it pleases you because at the end of all of it it comes down to you. Not how many extra-curricular activities or how many merits you have, but you. So yes be selfish is what i'm saying because it is your life, not your parents or teacher's or boss. Also- Please Comment Your Own Perspective :)

Tuesday, 23 April 2013


I'm new to this blogging thing, i have no idea what I'm doing, or who will see this or if this kind of talk is meant for a blog or what a blog is or if I'm going off topic or if there was a topic in the first place. But i am Malao and i have squandered my time on line successively doing nothing and i feel as if i should rest for a while on here. I will probably regularly post on this, and not ramble on so much but this is my first time and i have more to say. So excuse my unimpressive opening but I'm a newbie to this...blogging.